National KYU Grading Syllabus     Jigoro Kano     Judo Origins     Kyuzo Mifune    Judo in the Yukon    Judo Terms


Answer level
What Does Judo mean gentle way White belt
What is a Judoka one who studies judo White belt
What Does Sensei Mean teacher, instructor White belt
What is a  Judogi  judo uniform White belt
What is an Obi  belt White belt
What does  Kiotsuke mean attention White belt
What does  Rei mean bow White belt
What does  Hajime mean begin White belt
 What does Matte mean stop White belt
What Does Osaekomi mean pin, referee call to begin timing White belt
What does Ukemi Mean breakfalls White belt
 What does Toketa mean escape, stop timing of hold down White belt
 what does Seiza mean formal kneeling posture White belt
 What does Anza mean informal sitting posture - legs crossed White belt
What is a Dojo  school or training Hall White belt
 What are Tatami  mats White belt
 Who is Jigoro Kano Founder of Judo White belt
 What Year was Judo created  1882 White belt
 Where was Judo created  Tokyo, Japan White belt
 Name the Coloured belts White, Yellow , Orange, Green, Blue, Brown White belt
 Name one safety rule see list below  White belt
 Name one etiquette rule see list below   White belt
 Name your favourite technique Click link to judo waza  White belt
 Ippon  Full Point White belt
 Waza-ari  Half point White belt
 Who is Chuck Mackenzie  Sport Yukon Hall of Fame - Builder of Judo  White belt
 Ashi  foot, leg White belt
 Ne-Waza  ground techniques White belt
Kodokan  institute where Judo was founded White belt
 Hidari  left - demonstrate Yellow
 Migi  right - demonstrate Yellow
 Shiai  contest, competition Yellow
 Randori  free practice Yellow
 Uchikomi  repititon practice, no throws Yellow
 Zori  slippers Yellow
 Sono-mama  freeze, stop action Yellow
 Yoshi  resume action Yellow
 Shido  penalty Yellow
 Shizen-hontai  natural posture Yellow
 Jigo-hontai  defensive posture Yellow
 Tai-sabaki  body control, turning in or out Yellow
 Tsugi-ashi  shuffle step Yellow
 Kumi-kata  gripping methods Yellow
 Sode  sleeve Yellow
 Kuzushi  unbalancing of opponent Yellow
 Tsukuri  entry into technique Yellow
 Kake  execution of technique Yellow
 Waza  technique Yellow
 Tori  person performing technique Yellow
 Uke  person receiving technique Yellow
 Count to ten See list below Yellow
 Mudansha  student below black belt Yellow
 Yudansha  person who earned black belt Yellow
 Nage, Katame & Atemi Waza ** Throw, Grapple and Striking Techniques Yellow
Koshi-Waza Hip Techniques Yellow
 Joseki  Place of Honour, Upper Seat Yellow
 Name two safety rules see list below  Yellow
 Name two etiquette rules see list below  Yellow
 Name a Te-Waza Click link to judo waza  Yellow
 Eri  lapel, collar Yellow
Osae-Waza Hold down techniques orange and higher
Kohai Protégé ( lesser skilled helper) orange and higher
Sempai Mentor (more skilled helper) orange and higher
Kamiza Place of honour orange and higher
Tokui-Waza favourite technique orange and higher
Shime-Waza  Choke techniques orange and higher
Kansetsu-Waza Joint Lock techniques orange and higher
Tachi-Waza Standing techniques orange and higher
Shimoza where students (kyu) line up and sit  orange and higher
Shimoseki opposite side of joseiki orange and higher


Rules of Etiquette Safety Rules
·  Bowing onto and off of the mat ·   Warming up and cooling down
·  Bowing to your partner before and after  practicing ·   Hygiene ( trimmed nails, wounds etc)
·  Listen when Sensei speaks; Don't interrupt ·   Sportsmanship and courtesy
·  treat other judoka and officials with respect ·   Use controlled techniques (ie armbars, chokes)
·  Sportsmanship and courtesy ·   no jewelry
·  Wear a clean gi ·   no food, gum, etc
·  sit properly on the mat (anza or seiza) ·   compete or practice with tecnhiques within your skill level


Counting to Ten in Japanese
ichi means one.
sounds like "each".
ni means two 
* sounds like "knee"
san means three
* sounds like "sahn"
shi means four
* sounds just like "she"
go means five
roku means six
shichi means seven 
* sounds like "she-chee", with a hint of tch on the "chee"
hachi means eight
* sounds like "ha!" then "tchee".
kyuu means nine
* sounds like the letter "q".
juu means ten
* pronounced "joo", with a teensy-tiny bit of zh on the j