National KYU Grading Syllabus Jigoro Kano Judo Origins Kyuzo Mifune Judo in the Yukon Judo Terms
Question |
Answer | level |
What Does Judo mean | gentle way | White belt |
What is a Judoka | one who studies judo | White belt |
What Does Sensei Mean | teacher, instructor | White belt |
What is a Judogi | judo uniform | White belt |
What is an Obi | belt | White belt |
What does Kiotsuke mean | attention | White belt |
What does Rei mean | bow | White belt |
What does Hajime mean | begin | White belt |
What does Matte mean | stop | White belt |
What Does Osaekomi mean | pin, referee call to begin timing | White belt |
What does Ukemi Mean | breakfalls | White belt |
What does Toketa mean | escape, stop timing of hold down | White belt |
what does Seiza mean | formal kneeling posture | White belt |
What does Anza mean | informal sitting posture - legs crossed | White belt |
What is a Dojo | school or training Hall | White belt |
What are Tatami | mats | White belt |
Who is Jigoro Kano | Founder of Judo | White belt |
What Year was Judo created | 1882 | White belt |
Where was Judo created | Tokyo, Japan | White belt |
Name the Coloured belts | White, Yellow , Orange, Green, Blue, Brown | White belt |
Name one safety rule | see list below | White belt |
Name one etiquette rule | see list below | White belt |
Name your favourite technique | Click link to judo waza | White belt |
Ippon | Full Point | White belt |
Waza-ari | Half point | White belt |
Who is Chuck Mackenzie | Sport Yukon Hall of Fame - Builder of Judo | White belt |
Ashi | foot, leg | White belt |
Ne-Waza | ground techniques | White belt |
Kodokan | institute where Judo was founded | White belt |
Hidari | left - demonstrate | Yellow |
Migi | right - demonstrate | Yellow |
Shiai | contest, competition | Yellow |
Randori | free practice | Yellow |
Uchikomi | repititon practice, no throws | Yellow |
Zori | slippers | Yellow |
Sono-mama | freeze, stop action | Yellow |
Yoshi | resume action | Yellow |
Shido | penalty | Yellow |
Shizen-hontai | natural posture | Yellow |
Jigo-hontai | defensive posture | Yellow |
Tai-sabaki | body control, turning in or out | Yellow |
Tsugi-ashi | shuffle step | Yellow |
Kumi-kata | gripping methods | Yellow |
Sode | sleeve | Yellow |
Kuzushi | unbalancing of opponent | Yellow |
Tsukuri | entry into technique | Yellow |
Kake | execution of technique | Yellow |
Waza | technique | Yellow |
Tori | person performing technique | Yellow |
Uke | person receiving technique | Yellow |
Count to ten | See list below | Yellow |
Mudansha | student below black belt | Yellow |
Yudansha | person who earned black belt | Yellow |
Nage, Katame & Atemi Waza ** | Throw, Grapple and Striking Techniques | Yellow |
Koshi-Waza | Hip Techniques | Yellow |
Joseki | Place of Honour, Upper Seat | Yellow |
Name two safety rules | see list below | Yellow |
Name two etiquette rules | see list below | Yellow |
Name a Te-Waza | Click link to judo waza | Yellow |
Eri | lapel, collar | Yellow |
Osae-Waza | Hold down techniques | orange and higher |
Kohai | Protégé ( lesser skilled helper) | orange and higher |
Sempai | Mentor (more skilled helper) | orange and higher |
Kamiza | Place of honour | orange and higher |
Tokui-Waza | favourite technique | orange and higher |
Shime-Waza | Choke techniques | orange and higher |
Kansetsu-Waza | Joint Lock techniques | orange and higher |
Tachi-Waza | Standing techniques | orange and higher |
Shimoza | where students (kyu) line up and sit | orange and higher |
Shimoseki | opposite side of joseiki | orange and higher |
Rules of Etiquette | Safety Rules |
· Bowing onto and off of the mat | · Warming up and cooling down |
· Bowing to your partner before and after practicing | · Hygiene ( trimmed nails, wounds etc) |
· Listen when Sensei speaks; Don't interrupt | · Sportsmanship and courtesy |
· treat other judoka and officials with respect | · Use controlled techniques (ie armbars, chokes) |
· Sportsmanship and courtesy | · no jewelry |
· Wear a clean gi | · no food, gum, etc |
· sit properly on the mat (anza or seiza) | · compete or practice with tecnhiques within your skill level |
Counting to Ten in Japanese |
ichi means one. |
sounds like "each". |
ni means two |
* sounds like "knee" |
san means three |
* sounds like "sahn" |
shi means four |
* sounds just like "she" |
go means five |
roku means six |
shichi means seven |
* sounds like "she-chee", with a hint of tch on the "chee" |
hachi means eight |
* sounds like "ha!" then "tchee". |
kyuu means nine |
* sounds like the letter "q". |
juu means ten |
* pronounced "joo", with a teensy-tiny bit of zh on the j |